Mocha LOVED these products!
#MochasMarvelousReviews post! Today, we are reviewing products from one of our favorite treat companies, @ccpettreats!
What we Received:
-One bag of Lamb Airy Bark
-One bag of SuperGravy
-One bag including 4 Lamb Trachey Chewz
What we Thought:
Mocha LOVED these products! Her favorites have always been the Lamb Trachey Chews. She loves the taste, and the natural crunch! She loves the Airy Bark as well, and the Supergravy always makes meal time so much more fun and delicious! All of these products are gluten free, grain free, GMO free, glycerin free, and are enhanced with superfoods. So not only are these products super yummy, but they are great for your pup! I’d highly recommend them, and please make sure to go check them out! Thanks so much @ccpettreats ! We love you guys!